Many of the Tamilians [irrespective of the sub-sects] offer Maavilakku [மாவிளக்கு] to the GOD of their choice ===> Amman, Perumal, Murugan ===> in temples or at their homes.
In our custom we offer this on the 1st Aadi and 1st Thai Vellikizhamai [Kataka/Karkatam and Makara months' first friday].
Now let me venture about the dough preparation:::==>>>
- Raw Rice => 2 cups
- Jaggery [preferred one is jaggery powder :: நாட்டுசக்கரை => 1 cup.
- Cardamom => 2 nos. [powdered]
- Ghee => 2 table spoons.
- Wick => 2 numbers poothiri [not the conventional one]
Wash the rice and keep it soaked for 10 or 15 minutes ==> drain well and spread on a clean white cloth ==> grind the rice in a mixer [in small quantity] and seive [சலிக்கவேண்டும்] ==> when the powdered rice is ready, mix the flour with the jaggery powder [to add more taste, one can add honey and grated coconut] and powdered cardamom ==> spead the dough on a plate ==> make two cup shape mould on the dough ==> pour ghee ==> put the wick.
Draw a kolam and place the plate containing the Maavilakku. Decoarate with flower. Lit the lamp by chanting slokams of the GOD to whom it is offered. [we chant VENKATRAMANA GOVINDA, SANKATA HARANA GOVINDA at the time of lighting the lamp followed by Vishnusahasranamam and Devi slokams]. When the lamp is about to go off, do neivedhyam of Milk or Fruits. Afterwards, remove the burnt wick, mix the dough properly, distribute the Maavilakku Mavu Prasadm [yummy.......]